Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Short & Sweet, but Impactful

REVIEW: Surprise the World! The Five Habits of Highly Missional People by Michael Frost

This book is short and sweet, and to the point. But if you live the 5 habits author Michael Frost suggests, it is sure to be impactful.

Frost’s missional habits are based on the acronym “BELLS”: Bless others, Eat with others, Listen to the Holy Spirit, Learn about Jesus, and be Sent into the world. And each chapter focuses on one of the habits and how the reader can form it in his or her own life.

One of the biggest takeaways from the book is how Frost says Christians should live “questionable” lives. What he means by that is if all believers are leading the kinds of lives that evoke questions from their non-Christian friends, then that opens opportunities for faith sharing. So, he says if a friend invites you to a bar, say “Yes.” That may draw some strange looks from others, but could ultimately lead to people asking you questions about your faith, which will allow you to share and surprise the world. It is a novel and offbeat concept, which is probably why I like it.

This book would work great with a small accountability group for those desiring to be more like Jesus.

*Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for my unbiased review.

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