Monday, November 28, 2016

Any church looking to up its discipleship game should consider this

REVIEW: Guardrail: Six Principles for a Multiplying Church by Alan Briggs

The charge of every church and every Christian is to make disciples. The problem is that Christians and churches are not very good at it. So in this book, author Alan Briggs seeks to help churches establish a “guardrail,” a framework and adaptable a ministry model in how to make disciples.

Briggs believes that making disciples is the foundation for healthy Christian leadership. He says making disciples should form the basis of our small groups, missionary endeavors, neighborhood ministry, church planting, and pastoring. If a church has no process for making disciples, then the rest of it’s ministry is pretty much wasted and will never fully mature, Briggs says, because all of our Christian activity doesn’t matter if we are not shaping our lives after how Jesus lived. Amen!

The “guardrail” framework and adaptable ministry model that Briggs proposes includes:
  1. Discipleship must be SIMPLE
  2. Discipleship must be HOLISTIC
  3. Discipleship must be ADAPTABLE
  4. Discipleship must be REGULAR
  5. Discipleship must be REPRODUCIBLE
  6. Discipleship must be POSITIVE

You can also check out this video of Briggs talking about the book by clicking here.

I would definitely recommend this resource to any church looking to up its discipleship game!

*Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for my honest review.