Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Takes the scary out of evangelism!

REVIEW: Good News for a Change: How to Talk to Anyone About Jesus by Matt Mikalatos

It seems that evangelism can be scary for many Christians. But as author Matt Mikalatos states, evangelism is, first and foremost, us participating with the Holy Spirit to tell people about God and His love for them and to invite them into a relationship with Jesus Christ. And because we’re doing the work together with the Holy Spirit, Mikalatos says we can trust that God will pick up the slack where we’re failing because it is God who ultimately makes the Good News clear to our listeners. Thus, evangelism shouldn’t be scary, and we should be able to talk to anyone about Jesus!

And while some Christians might think there is just one right way to share the Good News, Mikalatos squelches that idea by teaching that instead of one right way, there are many ways to share the Good News…we just need to find something people are interested in that will draw them into Jesus’ story. Because, as Mikalatos points out, that is how Jesus and the Apostle Paul did evangelism--by connecting with the person first.

This book is chocked full of examples of how to share the Good News and do evangelism by connecting with people where they are, and each chapter concludes with reflection questions as well as exercises that can be completed as part of a small group. I would recommend this book to anyone eager to share his or her Christian faith and the Good News of Jesus Christ but for some reason felt he or she could not. It takes the scary out of evangelism. Highly recommend!

*Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for my unbiased review.