Saturday, June 4, 2016

Excellent resource!

REVIEW: The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations: Walking alongside People Who Believe Differently by Mary Schaller and John Crilly

To be Great Commission Christians we need to figure out how to get into the lives of unbelievers. This book can help do that.

As a pastor, I hear many Christians express fear about how hard it is to share their faith. Yet, authors Mary Schaller and John Crilly dispel that fear with this newest resource packed full (a whole 256 pages!) with 9 easy "artful" practices on how to begin spiritual conversations with others.

This is an excellent resource that I would recommend to anyone eager to share his or her Christian faith but for some reason felt he or she could not. It is also a great resource for those who want to strengthen their spiritual conversations "practices" in order to share faith in non-threatening ways.

Highly recommend!

*Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for my unbiased review.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

This book gives you “more” of what you need

4 stars
The More of Less: Finding the Life you Want Under Everything You Own by Joshua Becker

This month’s review is from my husband, who is striving to be a minimalist in a world full of stuff…

In the American culture today, stuff can dictate our lives. We feel we must work hard to keep up with others and their stuff, so we put too much value on possessions over deep relationships. But in this book, author Joshua Becker teaches how one can become a minimalist at heart and find happiness in less.

He offers practical baby steps in how to downsize, taking the fear of getting rid of everything all at once. He says 80% of what is in our house we only use 20% of the time. So why do we have all the stuff? This book helps one evaluate what they have and asks hard questions like:
  • What if, instead of being embarrassed over the type of car we drive, we became embarrassed over how often we take the luxury of automobile ownership for granted?
  • What if, instead of being embarrassed because our house seems too small, we became embarrassed over the amount of unused space within it?
  • What if, instead of being embarrassed over the brand of our clothing, we became embarrassed over the enormity of our walk-in closet?
Overall, this book helps readers see the world of excess and reminds us as Christian how we are to live differently than the world and find happiness not in stuff, but of the things of God.

*I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this unbiased