Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Awake, Christians!

REVIEW: Awakening to God: Discovering His power and your purpose by Gerard Long

This is a call to awaken sleeping Christians.
Those who have hit the snooze button.
And especially for those who have turned off the alarm.
Those who have stopped believing in the urgent mission at hand—making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Author and evangelist Gerard Long reminds us that as Christians today, we tend to follow a “come” model that focuses on getting people to come to church to hear the Gospel. But Jesus told us to GO and make disciples out in the world where the people already are.

The book is a simple plea for Christians to do what we were called to do—save a drowning and lost world by introducing them to Jesus.

The book shares much of Long’s testimony and is a quick 140-page read but packed with hefty urgent reminders that are worth the time.

*Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of these books for my unbiased review.

Author Gerard Long
For more information on the book, visit
You can find the intro and chapter 1 at
You can find the author’s bio at
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