Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Good resource for those newly diagnosis with diabetes

4 stars

Diabetes Solution: How to control type two diabetes and reverse prediabetes using simple diet and lifestyle changes 

This new diabetes book in divided into two sections: 1. Know your enemy (diabetes), and 2. Managing your diabetes (which includes 100 recipes).

I found the book quick and easy to read, making what could be a complicated topic easier to understand, which is especially helpful for those just getting diagnosed.

Some of the most useful things in the books are the charts of foods you should eat, as well as foods not to eat. While I haven't tried any of the recipes yet, I especially have my eye on the peanut butter-sweet potato dip!

*I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this unbiased review.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Jesus is indeed everywhere

4 Stars
REVIEW: Finding Jesus by Winston Rowntree

This book came to me at just the right time. I have literally been flat on my back due to recent back troubles. And during this struggle, I seek to find where Jesus is in the situation. In fact, as a pastor and preacher, this part of my calling: To look and find Jesus in every situation. And this book is a good reminder of that.

While it’s not meant to be a deep theological book by any means—it is a book of drawings done much in the same style of “Where’s Waldo?”—it actually does speak to a deeper spiritual truth. In Scripture, Jesus promises to always be with us, never leave us, never forsake us. And in these drawings of various scenes of life, like at a wedding, an outdoor party, or rock concert, Jesus is there. Just as He promised.  You just have to look.

I think this book is an imaginative (and whimsical) reminder that we are to always look for Jesus in every situation. Because, He is there!

*I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this unbiased review.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Cooking up photos in a new photo “recipe” book

4 Stars
REVIEW: Your Family in Pictures: The Parent’s Guide to Photographing Holidays, Family Portraits and Everyday life by Me Ra Koh

I have always loved taking pictures. In fact, at most family gatherings, I am deemed the official family photographer. I also have had the privilege to do professional photography as part of a past career. So, I was excited to see what I might learn in Me Ra Koh’s new book in order to make myself a better photographer.

First, don’t mind the title. Even though this book is titled The Parent’s Guide to Photographing, I think it can be generalized for most everyone. I mean I don’t even have kids. I do have a dog I adore, though!

The chapters are set up almost like “recipes” on how to take the perfect picture of things like pets, holidays, cousins, vacations, and even everyday life such as breakfast. Each “recipe” contains good, helpful ideas such as lightening, time of day, how to get kids settled down, etc.
My personal favorite tips were on the use of light.

Me Ra Koh says you can use any kind of camera, from the DSLR to the iPhone you have handy. Although, much of the talk centered around settings of the camera, and the iPhone doesn’t allow you too much of that.
If you are looking to learn some tips on how to create better photos, and have a better camera than an iPhone, this would be a great book for you in order to try each “recipe” from start to finish. No doubt you will improve along the way.

For more information about the author, visit http://www.randomhouse.com/author/113186/me-ra-koh

*I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this unbiased review.
Working with light using one of the photo "recipes"
A black and white photo I took using one of the photo "recipes"

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Awake, Christians!

REVIEW: Awakening to God: Discovering His power and your purpose by Gerard Long

This is a call to awaken sleeping Christians.
Those who have hit the snooze button.
And especially for those who have turned off the alarm.
Those who have stopped believing in the urgent mission at hand—making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Author and evangelist Gerard Long reminds us that as Christians today, we tend to follow a “come” model that focuses on getting people to come to church to hear the Gospel. But Jesus told us to GO and make disciples out in the world where the people already are.

The book is a simple plea for Christians to do what we were called to do—save a drowning and lost world by introducing them to Jesus.

The book shares much of Long’s testimony and is a quick 140-page read but packed with hefty urgent reminders that are worth the time.

*Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of these books for my unbiased review.

Author Gerard Long
For more information on the book, visit http://www.awakeningtogod.net
You can find the intro and chapter 1 at http://alphausa.org/Publisher/File.aspx?id=1000042290
You can find the author’s bio at http://gerardlong.com/gerards-story/
For more info on Alpha visit http://guest.alphausa.org

Thursday, September 25, 2014


5 Stars
REVIEW: God Gave Us Angels by Lisa Tawn Bergren & Laura J. Bryant

I am an animal lover, and Laura J.  Bryant’s art is stunning. Each page could be framed art.

The story line is instructional—teachy, but not preachy, as the Little Cub asks Papa Bear about angels. And what child (or adult for that matter!) isn’t fascinated by angels?

Throughout the brightly-colored, high-quality book, young readers learn more about God’s amazing messengers, and how much God loves us.

“What do angels do all day, Papa?” Little Cub asks.
Papa Bear: “Angels live to serve God...”
And a good message for us Christians, as well.

This children’s book is the latest in the “God Gave Us” series by the author and illustrator. For more information about the author and illustrator, visit http://waterbrookmultnomah.com/catalog.php?work=239365

*I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this unbiased review.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Message to self: An OK read

3 Stars
REVIEW: Be the Message by Kerry & Chris Shook

What is your life message?
Be the Message is meant to help you discover your God-given “message” and direct you how to live it out.

The book is divided into four parts: 1) Transforming your words into a life message, 2) Discovering your unique life message, 3) Understanding the message that confounds the world, and 4) Taking your life message to the world around you. And at the end of each chapter are three to four questions that ask you to reflect on the chapter, as well as ideas to help you live out what you just read.

As a pastor who gives a “message” every week, I loved the title and concept of the book. But overall it was just okay for me—nothing truly sensational. A few nice concepts I took away from the book, however, included how we as Christians are the living Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, how we should have a “holy disturbance” for something in which we are willing to stand up and fight for the Lord, and how we need to reach out and touch life instead of just watching it pass by.

*I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this unbiased review.