As a pastor, I often get asked about Bible recommendations. So, I was very intrigued by this newest Bible offered by Tyndale called The Wayfinding Bible. This is a New Living Translation version, and it would be wonderful for young adults, new Christians, and those who might like to take a journey through God’s Word in a new way.
What makes this Bible different is that the reader is able to choose their itinerary. There are three main routes offered using an innovative Bible mapping system. Each route takes the reader through a series of chronological readings that capture the main storyline and God’s word. One route includes 54 readings to gain a chronological overview of the Bible. Another route takes the reader to 215 readings to gain a full perspective of the Bible. In the third route, through 366 readings, the reader will discover the depth and richness of God’s word as he/she wanders through various passages. [There is also a fourth route offered called the “thru-hike” which will take the reader chronologically through every word of the Bible.]
This mapping system gives new readers a choice of how they want to jump in and navigate the Bible, and encourages and directs them through Scripture with confidence as readers explore God’s alive Word in a unique way.
Many people, when they start to read the Bible from beginning to end, can get hung up in chapters like Leviticus. But The Wayfinding Bible directs readers in a fun (yes fun!) new way giving them the big story of God and engaging them with key people, places, and teachings so they can begin to connect more fully to the Bible as a whole.
There are beautiful color maps throughout, simple book introductions, scenic overlooks, and historical markers, as well as “side trips” on various topics.
If you know someone who is a new Christian or starting to explore the Bible but doesn’t know how, they will likely have fun and enjoy the journey they will embark on it The Wayfinding Bible!
For more information on The Wayfinding Bible, visit
*Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this Bible for my unbiased review.
*Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this Bible for my unbiased review.