Friday, August 2, 2013

Mess not all that beautiful

REVIEW: This Beautiful Mess by Rick McKinley
I wanted to like this book.
The concept was engaging, and the cover is stunning, but it just did not give me what I expected.

Granted, the topic is heavy—explaining how the Kingdom of God is here among us yet far away—a hard topic for anyone to grapple and explain.  But, I came away from the book a bit more confused than when I started, wondering what exactly author Rick McKinley was trying to say.

He give some examples of things his worship community, Imago Dei, have done, but it did not seem to provide helpful inspiration or practical ideas for those reading the book of how to show the Kingdom of God breaking through their own context. 

There are a few questions at the end of the book guided toward conversation, and it is definitely for “conversation,” not a small group study, as there are only three or four small questions related to each chapter.

Again, I wanted to like the book, but it was too much of a mess for me.  Maybe you will see it differently.

*I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this unbiased review.