Friday, July 5, 2013

Best part of the book was the appendix

REVIEW: Chivalry: The Quest for a Personal Code of Honor in an Unjust World by Zach Hunter

The best part of this book is the appendix entitled “Onward: Living the Code.”

This 20-page+ section provides practical questions in which the reader can ask himself or herself in order to transform one’s life into a chivalrous one.

This section would work well with a small group seeking to grow deeper in their walk with Christ and willing to make commitments in order to do that.  By the tenth commitment, the reader will have written his or her own personal pledge to pursue the quest of being more chivalrous.

Unfortunately, while this appendix section was meaty and useful, the rest of the book was a bit of a disappointment.  It did not hold interest, and I could not find too many useful nuggets to underline or mark (which I love to do with my books!)

Maybe I did not connect with the book because I am “old” (definitely older than the college student author).  Maybe youth would be better suited to read it as maybe it would connect more with them than it did me.

You can hear straight from Zach himself about the book at:

*Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for this unbiased review.