REVIEW: Greater:
Dream Bigger. Start Smaller. Ignite God’s Vision For Your Life.
By Steven Furtick
This is my first book
read by author and Pastor Steven
Furtick, and I look forward to reading more.
While this book is serious in nature—about how we as Christians should be
seeking the greatness God has for us—it is filled with well-written humor! There were many times I was reading and just burst
out laughing. My husband kept asking: “What
are you reading that is making you laugh so much?” It is good reminder that yes, Christians can
have a sense of humor.
The book is centered on the life of the Old Testament prophet
Elisha. Furtick does a superb job of
taking the stories of Elisha found in Scripture, exegeting them so the everyday
person can make sense of them, and then tying them back in to our lives today. He does what any good pastor would do: proves
that Scripture is alive and well today and isn’t just stories of the past that
have no connection to us today.
Furtick makes many good points in the book as I can attest to with stars,
underlying, and notes all over the pages.
It is a book I plan to go back to and not just forget.This book is worth
It will encourage you to be more like Elisha—to go where God is calling
you to go and do what God is calling you to do.
When you do that, it will not just be good or great, but GREATER!
For more information on the book and some free resources, visit
*I received this book for free from WaterBrook Mulnomah Publishing Group for this unbiased review.