REVIEW: Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson
This is the fourth Mark Batterson book I have read and loved! That may make me a Mark Batterson groupie at this point.
REVIEW: Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson
This is the fourth Mark Batterson book I have read and loved! That may make me a Mark Batterson groupie at this point.
I always have to purchase a new highlighter with each Batterson book I read because it has so much good stuff in it!
This book is all about the Wild Goose, which is what the Celtic Christians called the Holy Spirit. “Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tracked or tamed,” Batterson writes. Thus, one must chase the Wild Goose and go on an adventure in doing so. Batterson says that boredom is just plain wrong for Christians, and that we should be full of life and have a sense of quest tattooed on our souls.
Throughout the book, Batterson takes readers on a journey with other biblical figures—some who did and some who did not chase the Wild Goose—like the rich young ruler, Nehemiah, Peter, Zacchaeus, the good Samaritan, Sarah, Jonathan, and more. What Batterson does masterfully is take well-known Bible stories and cause you to think about them in a new way. For example in the book Batterson talks about altars and how they remind us of what God doesn’t want us to forget. They give us a sacred place to go back to. Altars, Batterson says, renews our faith by reminding us of the faithfulness of God and every once in a while we need to go back to those sacred places to celebrate what God has done and renew our covenant with Him. So Batterson asks, “Did Zacchaeus ever take his grandchildren back to climb the sycamore tree where he caught his first glimpse of Jesus?” What an awesome question I never even considered. That defining moment in Zacchaeus’ life was life changing—so did he ever go back there and visit the spot where his life changed forever?
The book is separated into six cages that keep us from roaming free with the Wild Goose and living the spiritual adventure God destines us to—Cage of Responsibility, Cage of Routine, Cage of Assumptions, Cage of Guilt, Cage of failure, and Cage of Fear. This book is a must read for those seeking to get rid of boredom in the Christian walk and seek adventure!
Go ahead and read chapter one - http://www.multnomahemails.com/wbmlt/pdf/Wild_Goose_Chase_Mark_Batterson_Chapter1.pdf
*I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
For more information on the book, check out http://waterbrookmultnomah.com/catalog.php?isbn=9781590527191
Check out Mark Batterson’s website - http://markbatterson.com/ and his bio at http://waterbrookmultnomah.com/author-spotlight.php?authorid=75404